Friday, 6 January 2012

SayNOCPO are a funny little organisation aren't they?

They whined ahead of the EGM in October that the CPO board was unrepresentative but when offered a place on the board, they turned it down on the premise that they demanded two seats. However, a few days later and after a huge negative backlash, they backtracked and accepted a seat for solicitor and SayNOCPO (SNCPO) committee member Gray Smith. 

Meanwhile, throughout this period we heard constant gripes about a ‘club conspiracy’ to buy CPO shares for votes and the fact that these 'illegitimate votes need to be dealt with' (SNCPO even threatening legal action over the issue). However, when the aforementioned Mr Smith was given the job on the CPO committee of 'dealing with the issue' by the new CPO chairman Steve Frankham, what happens? By all accounts Gray Smith sits on his hands, makes no useful proposals and misses the deadline to submit resolutions for the AGM in January. So much for the 'final discussions' referred to on the SNCPO website.

So if and when SNCPO attempt to allege that Steve Frankham and the rest of the board have failed in their duty to do something about these supposed 'corrupt votes' the rest of us should ask Mr Smith and the rest of the SNCPO hierarchy exactly what they have contributed to resolving the issue? Yet this disparate, directionless bunch would like us to vote that we have no confidence in the existing board and that instead we'd like them to take over?

Be careful for the future of the club and the CPO and don't allow this potentially disastrous outcome to occur.  

Attend the AGM on January 20th 2012 if you can, but if you cannot please ensure that you pass your proxy vote to the CPO chairman.

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