"Worthwhile proposals that I hope will get the nod"
"I agreed with virtually every word of that....quick nurse get my medication!"
"Good stuff. Hopefully everyone all factioned out after AGM"
"You sound like club stooges. Fuck off"
"It is so depressing to see these negative stories being pushed about the club. What do people hope to gain by it? I like some of those proposals as we have to get more fans involved"
"Frankly, it is a relief to read something that isn't all about how evil the club and Abramovich are. I am not a shareholder but would love to see a plan that helped me get one on a pay-as-you-go basis. Lots of fans who are members don't seem to matter. We can't afford season tickets but are deemed less important."
"I am sure Buck and his cronies will find a way to get around any of those proposals."
"I like the proxy vote proposal and hope it is legally possible. The rules about speaking at the AGMs are vital if last week was anything to go by! I wanted to speak but just didn't feel able to. It was a bear pit!"
"You are a load of club loving cunts!"
"I can't believe the council's nerve in saying THEY believe the club can expand Stamford Bridge. What kind of silly game are they trying to play? Great proposals that will marginalise the extremists and just help CPO make the right decisions."
"I bet none of you even goes to games. What right do you have to even have a say in it?" (because we are shareholders. Ed.)
"Agreed with some, not all, of your thoughts"
"Some sensible ideas that can only help. Transfer of shares should be possible from father/mother to son etc."
"It is time for fans to just give the club a chance to get on with it..all of us together. These proposals will give more fans a chance to get involved and have a say. A much wider set of opinions is needed. All we have heard is SayNo with the anti-club agenda. Really pisses me off"
There were several others from both sides of the fence but this selection just about sums up the mood. We hope others will put forward resolutions that focus on giving the club as wide a constituency as possible from which to gauge opinion.
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